Thursday, November 18, 2010

Family Life of Ramses II

Ramses II had over 100 children with the help of his 8 gorgious wifes in which one was the Queen Nefertari who was Ramses II favorite wife out of the seven! Nefertari had at least 10 childern with Ramses II which is outragious!! Also Ramses II married 4 of his royal daughter's who names were Bint-Anath, Meryetamen, Nebettawi and Hentmie! Now here is the really strange part its was common for famous Egyptian Kings to marry his sister or daughter which scred me a little bit but like you know " WHAT HAPPENS IN EGYPT STAYS IN EGYPT"!!


  1. you spelt scared wrong...

  2. weirdest things ever.

  3. I swear if i'd be my own self and not even skim through this, i'd have been getting a 0 in my assess with this shit.
